The Nebraska Chapter of the ACC is pleased to present the following candidate for these year's Secretary/Treasurer election.
Neha Goyal, MD (UNMC)
Voting will take place through March 11, 2022. Per our bylaws, only Active Members of the Chapter in good standing shall be eligible to vote and hold offices. Other classes of Chapter membership shall be eligible to serve on committees and task forces of the Chapter. To cast your vote, click on the link below.
About Dr. Goyal
I moved to Omaha, Nebraska in August 2019. I am currently working as an Assistant Professor in cardiology and Multimodality imaging at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. I completed my cardiology subspecialty training in June 2018 from University of Chicago Medical Center. After that, I spent some time in the medical system in India.
I am board-certified in cardiology, echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, and cardiac MRI. I have been a Fellow of the American College of cardiology for over a year. I have also been an active member of several societies including ACC, ASE and SCMR. I am also a member of the planning committee for the Midwest women in cardiology conference and received the opportunity to represent Nebraska at the ACC Legislative Conference Congressional visits in 2020.
I am actively involved in teaching as well as education especially of patients and their family members and appreciate the opportunity to do so through my work and through involvement with the various national and regional societies.
Healthcare as well as its delivery is fast changing. In addition, the field of medicine and therefore, cardiovascular disease is ever expanding. Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of death and contributes to a large burden of health care costs. Physicians should also have a voice in the way that healthcare is delivered and how healthcare funds are managed to achieve the maximum benefit to a large number of people while also educating them and focusing on prevention efforts. This includes access to high quality care without significant disparities. I am interested in playing an active role in this process via the channel of ACC.
I am applying for the position of treasurer with the above goal in mind. I have had the experience of interacting with several patients in two different countries and at several academic institutions. Having worked closely in both medical systems gave me the much-needed exposure to the multitude of problems faced and possible solutions. ACC provides the largest network of like-minded people with a common objective and I have been its member for several years. I really appreciate ACCs efforts and want to serve an active role as well. I am really excited for this opportunity.