Nebraska ACC FIT Abstract Competition 2022

submissions open

The Nebraska Chapter of the American College of Cardiology FIT Abstract Competition 2022!

Poster Competition

2022 Annual Meeting: October 19, 2022 at 5:00-7:00 pm

Regency Marriott, 10220 Regency Circle, Omaha NE 68114

Co-Chairs: Waiel Abusnina, MBBCh, Navya Alugubelli, MBBS, Robbie Garvin, MD, and Kara Stout, DO, MPH


Call for abstracts: Nebraska medical students, residents, fellows-in-training, cardiovascular physicians, advance practice providers and cardiovascular team members are requested to submit research abstracts for the Nebraska ACC 2022 Annual Meeting. Abstracts may cover any cardiovascular topic. Abstracts from projects previously presented at national meetings are eligible for the Nebraska ACC. Excellent case reports and case series that include 5 or fewer patients will also be considered. Abstracts accepted by the Nebraska ACC are still eligible for subsequent submission to the national ACC Scientific Sessions.

Format: Abstracts should include 4 sections: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. All submissions should adhere to a 2500-character limit including title, section headers, and spaces. A figure counts as 600 characters and should be inserted within the Word document. Up to 10 references may be cited using American College of Cardiology format; references are not included in the character limit.

Submission and deadline: Abstracts should be submitted by midnight on September 14, 2022. NEW DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2022!

Evaluation: Abstracts will be evaluated by the Nebraska ACC based upon scientific importance and quality of presentation. Authors will be notified of acceptance by October 10th.

Presentation: Accepted abstracts will be presented as moderated PowerPoint posters at the Nebraska ACC 2022 Annual Meeting on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. In addition, accepted abstracts will be published on the Nebraska ACC website.

Competition: At the Nebraska ACC 2022 Annual Meeting, moderated PowerPoint posters will be judged by a panel. There will be four prizes as follows:

1):$100- Best original research (includes database studies and QI projects) 

2):$50- Runner-up original research

3):$100- Best case report (includes case series that include 5 or fewer patients)

4):$100- Best meta-analysis or systematic review

Questions: Questions regarding this competition should be directed to its co-chairs-

Waiel Abusnina, MBBCh

Navya Alugubelli, MBBS

Robbie Garvin, MD
Kara Stout, DO, MPH

Ready to submit your abstract? Click link below!

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